people say nrg would do better with demon1 but imo he plays way too slow and the way he plays clearly wont cut it now
victor's duelist in this current meta >>>> demon1 duelist
I think people prefer demon1 because of the aim and popoff potential. No one on NRG right now strikes me as someone who can takeover a map and single handedly win them rounds and whatnot, outside of maybe ethan.
that has yet to be seen
and if you watch any of the previous nrg games you can tell he was clearly very uncomfortable being first entry and having to seek engagements where it wasn't very favorable
he took 50% of first contact in EG, if it wasn’t him then it was split between jawgemo or boostio
also alot of the times he was just sent in with no util tbh old nrg was very dysfunctional u cant rlly judge demon1 off that even ethan looked mid compared to rn