What do yall think the prize pools for champs will be?
Masters berlin was $700k with the winner taking home $225k so do you think champs will be 1 mil?
Prob over 100 dollars
I mean you're probably not wrong
it will be 1,000,010 dollars, since I will generously donate 10 bucks to the prize pool
Thank you for your service
15 dollars per hour played
genius, riot will purposely sabotage the computers and the servers for more technical pauses and commercial breaks
so that they have to pay more money???
i wish we could contribute to prize pool like dota/league
We can't contribute to prizepool of league i guess only dota uses this trick to gain insane amount of money from the users by using 25% for prize pool of that specific battlepass & keeping rest of it in their bags.
I dont play league but i had heard that some percentage to some skins goes to prizepool in league. or was it just for MSI?
1.5 mil