swap roles idc
Kamo - Duelist Patitek - Flex Kaajak - Sentinel Zeek - Intiator/IGL Westsise - Smokes
get wedid in here once he recovers for sure
That is terrible
what would you do, if you were their manager? KOI are pretty screwed, it seems
I wouldn't go full polish at all, but if you were to do it I would start by not getting zeek and getting an IGL
tbh zeek is actually a solid option if the chemistry works out (this is a big if)
Bro be optimistic for once
Has nothing to do with being optimistic I'm just saying a roster with 2 duelists and no IGL ain't it
Starxo can Igl even if its not that good it csn get better with doombros coaching
As I said, it's terrible
zeek IGL
wasn't he IGLing on Heretics? it clearly didn't work
He IGLed 2/3 weeks and the it was Boo again
yeah, I remember his IGLing stint, it was not working
-zeek +wedid
Wedid is an unrealistic pickup, he should focus on his health for now