Coach: Potter Smokes: Karon Initiator/Kj: Verno Initiator/Raze: N4rrate Duelist: Aspas Sentinel: Less thoughts? (obv no language barrier)
take verno off initiator and replace with victor
verno is infinitely better than vic mechanically is all aspects and there’s no denying that though.
i prefer vics flexibility but mechanically he's iffy. with neon buffs coming vic is a great player to have on any roster
i agree if we’re talking about flexibility.
aspas can play neon, he played her in tokyo and looked good
is verno that good, i see so many ppl put him with t1 player obv i dont watch t2
yea. I would say he is worthy of T1. I also think sym could be an amzing t1 addition he just needs a tad bit more consistency
agreed. sym was SOOO good last year for the most part. just hope he is consistent as well
yes he is insane. whenever you see him in a 1v2 1v3 2v4 you can literally expect him to get 2 minimum kills. and his mechanics are insane. a really well rounded player.
his FK/FD ratio on Sova is insane
Best tier 2 player itw currently. Only reason why he wasn't on a tier 1 roster this year is because he is underage.