Hello !how are you ?
I saw that your post did not get many fans, so I said to give you a complete answer.
There are many ways you can create new and entertaining parts, for example, give a picture of a part of the map or space and tell me what is the name of that place?
But mostly I am here to talk about your site, it is better to change domain of your site (.com).
And that it is better to work On a better and bigger database so that you don't have problems in the future!
You should try to add animation to make it look better.
You should also try to make your site more visible. You can advertise your site in many places like reddit and free places, which will help you in the future!
All sites start from a small site and progress little by little, so don't be afraid and improve your site little by little, I'm sure you'll succeed.
If you need me to explain any part of what I said or help you in any part of the site, tell me!