I ain't hatin on anyone but the golden question, do you guys think 100T would have won LCQ with Steel? I honestly think they would have :(
They would have atleast made it to the GF......
I highly doubt thats the reason 100T lost, its been said by Ethan that they had practiced with b0i for months before they put him on the starting roster. Vanity only joined C9 2 months ago, they clearly were the better team today. no need to hate on the new player just wait till next year to see real improvement in the squad
not hating on b0i but he is not better than steel. Also Vanity was already an igl before moving to C9, Nitr0 is taking over the igl role fully for the first time in matches that matter. Theres a difference. C9 were better but if 100T still had steel they wouldnt have lost to rise in the first place imo
Nitro was the IGL for Team Liquid when they won a Grand Slam you can't say he is inexperienced. The reason that they lost is the underwhelming performances from your big players Nitro and Ethan. b0i played fine the first two maps while Nitro and Ethan did not. I can't deny b0i played a terrible 3rd map he definitely wasn't the reason you lost. I even think that even with Steel 100T still wouldn't have won the Upper Final at all, RISE is playing great this tournament.
Not talking about you just some 100t fans. Also, hypothetical situations make no sense, do people want steel to play when he had internal struggles with the org (and maybe himself) and wouldn't be at his best? What if he was calling blanks like many say he did in Berlin? So many factors and not to add the fact that in terms of fragging power steel isn't better than b0i at all.