Hello, for me personally, valorant is much more enjoyable to watch. That is all.
only g2 matches are kinda boring , but seeing vlr after they win is hella fun also fut ig
CS has much better crowds tbh CS clears
and casters, valo casters are censored
imagine the crowd in valorant constantly chanting fuck you to a player? holy shit riot would nuke the arena hahahaha
Oh for sure riot will never allow a crowd to behave that way
cs has better players better casters and better crowds
I get this is valorant site but why is it so bad to say cs crowds clear, like can we be honest one something can be improved on
cs: 2 major, 5 IEMs, 3 Blast finals a year
valorant: 2 masters, 1 champs a year
you guys gotta chill with this shit😂 cshit ain't even fun to watch, much less play riot games >>
CS is more entertaining, has better crowds, more hype and better competition(more tier-1 teams, pretending on every trophy)