I'm pretty confident that the Reyna rework will be one of the following:
Her dismiss/devour are no longer her signature; instead her lears are her signature; helps team environments because now you can have more than two lears to support teammates, while limiting the ability of smurfs to endlessly get out of fights/get heals to equalize the next fight; her ult stays the same (simplest solution, but somehow I feel Riot wouldn't implement something so simple)
Her util takes the "Astra" route: She gets 3 charges, which can be used for any one of lear/dismiss/devour; still has to get a kill to use dismiss/devour, but can use a charge for lear without getting a kill; her ult would have to get reworked for this though, and I'm not sure how, because her ult staying as is would mean she has infinite lears with this rework. (I wouldn't go for this, but would not be suprised if Riot did something like this).
I don't really see the rework deviating far from the above two options because anything else would just go against her character.