Kazakhstan + DRG goes mega stupid
#JusticeforHObbit #DRGFighting!
Canada + Sentinels = Drippiest
Any flag + kpi
femboys + kirya
DRG might pull a ZETA Reykjavik lol
serbia flag + kosovo flair (wip) hardest
thousand yard stare
kosovo je srbija 🗿
ah so you are just an idiot
stop repping the navi flair and giving us a bad rep
"us" who the fuck are you lil bro no one knows you or that you support navi
i met ange1 at berlin last year actually
he knows the true NAVINATION
i dont give a fuck about you hop off
bro you are just a serbian nationalist
and you are the vlrpolice theres every kind of weirdo here
fellas is it bad to love your country
are you a brother of borat
he is king of the castle