I just got banned from valorant LFG for “disrespectful behavior towards members.” All my chat history in that server was literally just me giving out free coaching for my twitch stream. I don’t even know how I could be disrespectful. In my appeal I stated that I never was disrespectful, but it just got insta closed. So I hopped on an alt and talked to a 19 yr old female mod who wanted to argue for hours with terrible logic about how I should have been more specific in asking how I got banned when I made the initial appeal. And because I didn’t directly say “why was I banned?” In the appeal, I have to wait 3 months before I appeal again.
Why couldn’t she just tell me right then and there why I got banned? And why is “disrespectful behavior” an instant permanent ban and not a warning? She was willing to argue with me for hours about the decision but didn’t want to spend 1 second telling me what I actually did. This valorant lfg server is so soft and ran by a bunch of babies.