I saw a thread earlier of reaction times and now I feel slow and retarded. I have 250ms reaction on 240 hz monitor. I am young physically but slow mentally like boomer
smoke more weed
How to increase reaction time --> react slower
slower reaction --> longer time to react --> increased reaction time.
Hope this helps!
do you mean, lower reaction time?
see #3 :D
Your reaction time is average, you're good to go Ignore the other thread, half of people there are capping
Try Caffeine
play osu or aimlabs idk i use to play osu so i got 125 avg
125 fr??! I can't drop beyond 200 :(
bad genetics unlucky
I'm 6'3 and handsome
and im lebron james
The guy above really said bad genetics ππ
the guy 2 posts above really said bad genetics ππ
suck t0nz's and y0y's pp and the magical potion will come inside you
i dont think you want to increase reaction time i think you mean how to decrease reaction time
dont focus ur eyes on the screen itself, focus off of it so u just see the colours