The level presented by kru before and after heat is completely different, and he is the player that no BR org believed, and he can be the only Brazilian in the Master. First, he proves the community was wrong about him; now he might be our last hope. I know most Brazilians hate kru because of keznit (me as well), KRU winning is the only way that the ORGs understand that the way they're managing Valorant is far from acceptable
Heat is not the only mistake:
pancada is on sen bench for 2 whole splits
MW being the guy who FURIA gave the quest to form a team (not an IGL)
LOUD dropping FROD
No org reaching ONUR
LOUD puting peu as assistent coach
less being benched???????(The allegations towards financial problems were fake)
Valorant is not Furia or MIBR, main game but at least they could have a better management, but is loud's main game and this yer the made questionable moves
Now he are stuck with mediocre teams for the rest of the year
So today i might root towards KRU ( i don't know yet), i am definitely rooting for HEAT'S BEST GAME UNTIL NOW
Sorry if it was grammatically wrong or confusing, English is not my first language