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I will say this one more time so that its easy to come back to when it becomes true:

NA has no hope of winning Shanghai. I think they will be the first to get out between APAC and EMEA (not counting China)

A lot of you on this site might hate Sen but they are the only team so far that have shown real winning potential. They might be out now but what is left if a joke. Lev with the hard carry of Aspas won't hold up against the international teams. Kru is doing the same thing they did last LCQ and will bomb out the second they are challenged. G2 is G2 I am sorry but beating C9 is not a showing of how good you are cuz they are also struggling. I see 100T being Americas best chance and again that is just sad cryo is going to have to be like aspas on lev to keep them afloat.

Americas is the worst region hands down (besides China)

TH, FNC, Fut, PRX, GenG, Even DRX if they could have made it would all wipe Americas


It might have come down to the wire and taken longer then expected but it came true none the less. Can not believe G2 made it that far with a mid ass player like icy as duelist.


Damn WP

(Can u give me the powerball numbers pls)


yes ofc its 8. 44. 45. 51. 69. 12

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