I really do hope RRQ actually picked Monyet or maybe atleast Bazzi instead of returning 2GE to active roster because honestly playing 2GE does not make sense because the team only have maybe 1 1/2 month to practice with 2GE while 2GE definitely not a big upgrade from fl1pzjder. But im worried since some indonesian caster said that 2GE vaguely tweeted that he will "play" in the near future so there's a chance that instead of buying new player, they would just use 2GE instead.
Although Bazzi might be a slight upgrade for fl0pzjder, it ain't it. We need a smoker like Monyet who performed brilliantly in a clutch situation. Take a look at the current top teams in APAC. They pretty much have someone who could've clutch the important round.
PRX mf, david, f0rsakeN
GENG Munchkin, Karon, t3xture
T1 iZu
And take a look at our performance from Kick Off, only Jemkin could save them in a 1v2, 1v3 situation and it's pretty rare. Whenever they are being put in 1v2, 1v3 situation, the round is already over for them.
Monyet is the answer.