Aspaa drops bombs and is the most consistent duelist while forsaken can play any agent and frag consistently .Whos the goat?
aspas till f0rsaken performs in a international Bo5
Aspas atleast for me because...well it is Aspas
This must be a bait.
Asaps hard diffs f0rsaken.
aspas>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>botsaken, 0 trophies+not the best in his role at all lmao, not even the best in his team
7ssk7 vs aspas who wins?
zeddy owns both.
aspas hard clears forsaken
there is no debate and if there was one it certainly wouldn't be between aspas and botsaken kkkkkkkkkkkk aspas clears him so hard it's not even close
f0rsaken not even top 10 best players what is this post
calm down bilibililettuce, forsaken is top 10 4sure
why are you posting a match against a team prejudiced by visa issues that didnt even touch a mouse for days
thats cringe af
NRG fans are the most retarded by far
Kkkkkkkkkkkkk canto even win vs eg Lil man
Aspas, has better stats and a trophy to back it up
forsaken overrated by apac bots
overhyped as "best flex player" with 0 trophies and worse stats than Chronicle, APAC fans are drunk
people think hes better than chronicle lmao.... sayonara clears him
botsaken has to train for 500 years in a time loop to be even 50% of a player Sayonara is
you are them femboy right?
Nah he's the groomer
aspas till f0rsaken stops choking
Aspas clears
Why do you compare 2 player who has different value? Both are GOAT
Braindead thread
aspas but if f0rsaken can preform better in bo5 ill change my mind