EMEA qualification chances

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Group A: FNC, KC qualified. Vitality is out. The third team is either BBL or TL with BBL qualifying is so much more likely

For TL to guarantee qualifying, they need to win 2-0 and BBL needs to lose 0-2

If TL wins 2-1 and BBL loses 0-2, OR TL wins 2-0 and BBL loses 1-2, then TL needs to win by round diff (which is +15 vs -21 so its very unlikely). If BBL wins 17 rounds in total, then they qualify even if they get 0-2'd (they can win like 15 rounds and still qualify as long as TL doesnt win 13-0 13-0 though lol)

Group B:

Navi qualified, GIANTX and KOI are out.

If FUT wins even 1 map, they guarantee qualifying and the other place is between TH and M8

If M8 loses even 1 map, they are out, and FUT and TH qualify

So M8 should win 2-0 and get past a team by round diff (+28 vs +11 vs their -6 right now). It will be a two way tie between them and TH though unless FUT loses 0-2, then it will be a 3 way tie. M8 should lose only 8 rounds to get past TH. If they lose 9 rounds then its a draw between them and TH.


Damn bro you’re my hero


ofc brother

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