They decide to play when its 0-4 for them bye bye clowns
Also fuck BBL as well
lmaoo salty stfu
they have no pressure so they play better
Yes Im mad such a bullshit performance from BBL
BBL so bad... can't even beat clowns?
Hahhaa. It gets us all at some point brother lmao
every game matters with this format(u get points) stay mad turkish dog
fr these turkish fans mad purp0 cleared their top team
FUT is the top team though?
qutifraud hard diffed by purp0 kkkkk didnt take much time for them to get exposed after their fluke wins against navi and th
Deep breaths 100 99 98 97 96 95 94 93 92 91 90 89
It's true that GIA played it like ranked but BBL should've punished it. It's their fault that they played really badly.
how much u lost