I was told by alot of my friends who are higher ranks than me to not solo q since most times in Bronze elo (currently B3, peak is also B3) people begin to only play for themselves and everyone thinks they're the shit, so I took that advice but now I have no one to really play with since school and other things are occupying my friends of a similar rank (one is S1 the other is B1)and ive literally been on stand by for the majority of the act since
- I have no one to play with since most of my friends are golds and plats
- Most times, they'll be too tired or say its too late for them to play
- The few times we do get on, its literally like 1 comp game and we just hop off since we most likely lost the game in the dumbest way possible
Now im really rusty at the game, rarely play at all and have been getting into other games like Apex and Rocket league which both are very fun but very skill based, making me lose my urge to play at all