Na minha opinião eu acho que a Furia não deveria manter nenhuma das peças que tem atualmente - o conjunto de players da Furia já tiveram problemas com players antigos e estão novamente a ter problemas fora do jogo. Acho que os responsáveis da equipa deviam reconstruir um projeto do zero, manter no máximo dos máximos 2 players da line atual (Nzr talvez) e reformular a coaching staff completamente - do mesmo sitio que veio o Less estão a nascer vários players talentosos, como o Guh, Sato, Spike, Gobera, Swag etc. têm mais do que peças suficientes para montar uma equipa sólida, sem os dramas fora de jogo que impedem a equipa de funcionar.
Imo I believe Furia shouldn't keep any player that they have nowadays - part of this Furia line had problems with their old teammates and are now having out of the game problems again.
I think the team should be completly rebuilt from zero, keeping 1 or 2 players max and get a new coaching staff - Brazil has plently of talent, Less was just stuck in a small team before Loud got to him, there are a lot of talented players waithing to be picked up like Guh, Spike, Sato, Gobera, Swag, etc. they have more than enough talent to pick from to create a new solid team, away from the dramas of the corrent roaster.