kanyefan valorant theory

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so in ranked, if you plan to play during a match in your region, you must be prepared to play a lower quality game than usual. this is a two pronged theory

  1. The player who play are less passionate: The players who watch a ton of pro play wont be playing as they will be watching per chance. This applies mainly to higher ranks but can still be true in lower ones. It does not apply to below plat/diamond tho, as those ranks dont have passionate players ever. The player in games during the pro matches will likely be; lower level, lower rank, lower passion, and less likely to warmup, pick good agents and care about the outcome.

  2. The pro players and streamers cant play the games: Most streamers are higher ranks because its their job to play valorant, but they also watchparty the games. Pro players and streamers cant get into your games meaning that the stream snipers are nerfed, and so are the lobbies. During pro matches in high ranks where there are pros and streamers often, you will instead recieve a lobby of many randoms who dont have an online presence.

All in all, these games will have less comms, worst comps, worse aimers, and less crutches for players.


Wouldn't that make the games easier


slightly, but yeah

if you soloq you have 4 nerfed teammates and 5 nerfed opponents


I don't know anyone who watches VCT outside of Masters and Champs.

I doubt it has much an effect.


i thought of it because i just played 2 games in na immortal during sentinels and both games had shitty players. i think its still 100% true just marginally

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