Do you think that Riot should have other tournament organizers? Like how Valve allows Blast, ESL, Home Sweet Home, ECT to run tier 1 and tier 2 events.
I personally think it would be a great change because tier 2 teams have something to do rather than just waiting for the next VCT Qualifier or the 1 other tournament organizer Riot allowed. I also think it would be good for tier 1 because for the most part every good Tier 1 team just waits 4 months for the next qualifier to take place. Additionally adding other tournament operators would allow Tier 2 and Tier 1 teams to mix and surprising upset games to take place. This would also allow tier 2 teams to improve by watching the tier 1. We could also see more cross-region games which would be extremely exciting to see and we don't have to wait months for the next major Riot run tournament to see how a team from North American and a team from Europe play against eachother.