Getting completely outplayed by TTR kek
Zander sucking ass lol fraud exposed
ngl hes a demon but bro not shooting back this game
dont diss our fellow canadian eh >:D
Just disappointed in him. He always chokes against better players and better teams in big matches since Version1 and against The Guard :(
nism0 k0alan00b nitr0 z0nder bigc0ckj0hnson
Turtle Troop is a great team. The fact they aren't signed while the shitters on TSM are is a crime.
Ong + no coach for TTR
according a braindead user they can beat fnatic, thats why losing to turtle troops
Nobody cares about a washed team, m80 clears
they clean fncs toilet for free? lost to guard the bots
didnt surprise me because player wise they are good but they dont even have a salary or a coach, this is embarrasing for m80 tbh
Seeding match lil bro
could be, but losing 5-13, 2 maps in a row?
Unfortunately widid can't avoid the goat allegations
Ttr played good
Honestly that wasn’t even M80s bad. Ttr played masters worthy valorant. They’re the goats