This introduces another problem and that is genuine players who are playing for the first time may not be at the skill level of a iron player.
EG - my friend who plays CSGO opened silver 1 in valorant only on the basis of aim and almost no utility awareness. He did not even know what a yoru TP is or common cypher trip setups.
When he goes against teams in ranked where people are not good with util, he top frags, while if you get those annoying util users, he barely manages to get 10 kills or any impact in the game.
If let's say, he was boosted quickly to gold or plat, he would just ruin so many games while valorant manages to derank him to the current level.
Even right now, his skills are very disproportionate where his aim is like platinum, game sense is like silver gold (owing to the fact that there are still some similarities in maps of CSGO and valorant) but util awareness is like a low bronze. He does not even know that a Jett can dash at you if you hold certain angles and the same with raze satchels.