realistically what do you want them to do? doing 6 man rotation? 6 man isn't working most of the time see DRX performance in 2023 and only threw the balance team off
Jinggg is statistically way better dueslist than him including the experiences and chems. it's hard situation from both parties.
cut him off and let him find another team? that's gonna hurt their Indo fans & brand (cutting off underwhelming player after ONLY 2 tournaments afreeca doesn't count since it's offseason is still bad looks). keeping Monyet to help him to find another team is already good choice and they can also profit off of him too if any teams interested to buy his contract
so once again what do you want them to do? because I fail to what are you trying to say here.
are you worried he's not gonna get any offers? or just get jail contracted? if so then that's another issue in the future, for now if I were Monyet fans I'd have faith in PRX, if it goes south way then you, as a fans, is justified to crucified PRX. once again, it's difficult and tough situation for both parties