i'm glad he's doing good, he deserves a good team
I'm really surprised how well he adapted to the new role
Ainda tá bastante cru (kru kkkk) errando bastante utilitária mas se garantindo na mira, vibe o que mwzera fez na champions quando virou iniciador
matou muito mas errou muito utilitária
17 assists (+11 na lotus) e tá errando bastante utilitária. Quando acertar vai pra 60 por série
loud heat? ^_^
he's better than q**
he looks good on initiator
I love heat, I used to watch him on Jett on mibr trying to solo clutch rounds for his team and he's still just as good on initiator agents, I'm sure there's a lot of room for improvement and perfection still.
Imagine LOUD with heat duel
vamooooooo heat triste pela furia