Or they don't play valorant that much maybe?
They're old
ph players just suck. No new good talent
bad regeneration
Best nepo representation.
they would've gone places if not for the nepo allegations
player count in ph kinda low even me i havent played a single game since last year october.
queue times take so long in PH, not enough good players sadly
nah. RRQ, TS, and Talon are some of the worst team repping their country.
Kairi is the best PH representation
Tier 2?
Arguably the best duelist in the pacific region
This guy? https://www.vlr.gg/player/8820/kairi
Nah kairi is mobile legend player from Philippines
How is he a duelist then
well he is kinda dueling but in moba XD
Ohmyv33nus best igl bro
Best PH player Papichulo is not even in Franchise
TS don't want him?
bro all PH best players are old players
Age restriction like in CN?
No its that the best players in Ph arent the young guns, im talking about people who are already past 25
so there's no regeneration on PH valo scene?
It's the only team they have so yes
Complacency and nepotism
My mom beats me, my dad beats me, and even my sister beats me. I feel safe with Team Secret though because Team Secret never beats anyone.
PH only can win at mobile legends, the rest is sucks
Tbh its because kids in ph dont have pc and is addicted to mobile legends sooo....
tbh there might be someone whos a prodigy but no one knows because dont have pc
Or maybe a prodigy is out there but he's like in silver or something
I will love PH valo scene if TS wins against these teams convincingly PRX DRX GENG RRQ T1 If not they can do nepo all they want and hoping fans will stop supporting them
isnt Kakarot a prospect ?