Actually im not sexist but today many people would consider me as one cause im dropping facts..
A woman is not the same as man and it cannot be, because a woman will always be loved no matter what, but if a man runs out of money and dont make money enough for his family, everyone is gonna dump him? Yea thats not good for a man too but out of that reason that a man is the one who is carrying for his family makes the man more important than a woman. In esports too, woman cant be better than man cause of reflexes and other biological shit that makes woman not good enough for gaming against men..Even in the bible is everything described why the man is man and the woman is woman. They see different, they think different than us. Im not sexist, but if u want the woman to be the same as the man than let your girl working the hard job, making money for the family and thinking of many solutions.