Keep crying. he is still a top 3 sentinel itw and if he have a good team he would be the best
Nats is pigshit
me when i’ve never watched a match before
your favourite senti player studied him
my favorite senti player diffed him
I'm glad you can read
top 3 sentinel is bullshit when you got a lot of good newcomers
so? he is still top 3
not beating johnqt, nor he will beat less, or meteor. in fact he aint beating even f0rsaken.
johnqt who??????????????????????????? meteor who?????????????? less watches nAts vods daily btw
those players played in madrid btw
mickey mouse tournament even less relevant than lock-in
can't even qualify to mickey mouse tourney is hard af
none of these players would go +31 in champs finals, only goat1 is comparable to nAts. stop glazing overrated shitters when goAts and goat1 exist
get in shanghai first then comeback with another rebuttal
bro its amazin how much u suck russians dick lol, demon1 doesnt even use the russian flag and u still gag on his shit🍆💦
top 3 is bullshit cuz he's top 1.
less,alfajer,Benjifishy,johnqt,suygetsu,flashback,meteor are better
Benjyfishy 💀💀💀 Johnqt is not a better sentinel than him Suygetsu have a better aim but nats is still better Flashback no Meteor as a sentinel is not better than him
Less and alfajer are the top 2 rn
saying nats is back after beating koi is like when sykko said tenz is back after they beat tsm at ludwig x tarik
He is not back, he never left
its been 3 years move on
Top 3 EMEA yeah, but i dont know about itw yet def could happen though
shAts struggling against K0I
It’s over brotha, he should move to America and start streaming
I wish nats went with sayf to vitality. Imagine sayf trexx kicks nats cender/runner that team is top 3 EMEA easily.
Damn he beat a top tier EMEA team Koi he’s actually back!