Why didn’t G2 just pick up my goat puj for that lame-o net? They play the same agents, and FNS can take the IGL burden off valyn so he can frag out
fns said he would only join teams that could win
hope this helps
Firepower too weak
FNS probably doesn’t want to join anyway as well
Holy crap I got the worst vlr user to respond to my comment
Am I wrong?
FNS said he would only join a team with 2 players he could choose
So how could he join Gold2?
fns has already said several times that he will not play professionally unless they allow him to make a team himself.
not exactly
hed join a team if he thinks they can win
He now changed that to he gets to pick 2 players insted.So he just wants to build a core
leaf trent sonofcar FNS s0m
will win everything
sonofcar >> y0y
leaf trent jonah fns s0m
he would have said no, even if the offer was for both him and s0m