Why didn’t G2 just pick up my goat puj for that lame-o net?
They play the same agents, and FNS can take the IGL burden off valyn so he can frag out
Asuna_Yuuki [#3]Firepower too weak
FNS probably doesn’t want to join anyway as well
Holy crap I got the worst vlr user to respond to my comment
harkonnen [#5]fns has already said several times that he will not play professionally unless they allow him to make a team himself.
not exactly
hed join a team if he thinks they can win
eklipse_val [#4]Holy crap I got the worst vlr user to respond to my comment
Am I wrong?
FNS said he would only join a team with 2 players he could choose
So how could he join Gold2?
harkonnen [#5]fns has already said several times that he will not play professionally unless they allow him to make a team himself.
He now changed that to he gets to pick 2 players insted.So he just wants to build a core