wow! ive never seen this comp before!
hurr durr kj go b sova go b shock dart wallpen wow! kay o go tree get info 1 3 1 wowz kj turret up b main
but seriously tho bring haven back i hate this map with passion
perfectly fine in ranked? i go 3-9 on this map with attack start and I'm happy, even won 2-10 so many times and having a suboptimal comp against a team that plays 50% textbook is one of the most miserable valorant experiences, i die inside everytime i see ascent and we are attacking first cause the momentum is too insane.
and let's not even get started on how idiots expect you to perform as jett on attack side on this map, zekken literally starts 15/10 and only got 4 for the rest of the game(had to win duel against operator to get them), t3xture looks like he's getting diffed on first half if you only looked at scoreboard, and look now
forced me to learn kay/o cause of how miserable this map makes you feel