TSM is a good roster and if you somehow say otherwise smn wrong with u
top 4 or 5 roster, potential to make top 3 if oxg players get poached i dont even think oxg is that good honestly obv m80 is better but they aren tbad
oxg is held back by mitch and dapr
against mxs mitch single handedly lost them one map and dapr lost the other
its been 1 game relax
clearly 4th best team but aproto is legit a top 5 player in challengers
im willing to bet turtle troop will be better
maybe they will but i think tsm has very high potential
TSM will surprise in time. I don't even know if they've been together for 2weeks. They will be making some noise!!!
-seven +spaz
bro legit replace seven with any competent player and tsm is a elite team
seven is only on the team because they needed him for the slot rules
whats up w all this seven slander?? sure i agree clear wouldve been better but seven aint bad bro
seven legit has no discipline