Bro was losing it on the entire split match 🤣
heavy cypher meta and Loud hates sentinels too and avoid it as much as possible. If you build your team around what the meta is, and not what the best fit for the team is then you won't go far. Yoru and Neon are not any more meta than last year, jett and raze have not been nerfed, kj's nerf was only the turret mainly and cypher is really strong, but the yoru comps aren't just a way to beat it, otherwise youd see a lot of sovas too. Plus, neon on sunset is such a troll pick on paper but TH make it look like the best comp. These comps rely on individuals thriving and being dominant on a comfort agent, and if for paper rex its 3 duelists no ini, then thats it.
I may not think 3 duelist is the best comp, but that is irrespective of the players themselves. Their phoenix on pearl was also questionable, reyna on ascent and bind, yoru on bind, many comps have been questionable. As long as they as a team think theyre fine balling out with it, I'd much rather see them play well on an off meta team than get smacked around trying too hard to fit the meta imo