KC Marteen: Was thoroughly impressed by his game play overall. His Yoru on split showed us the true potential of this agent. The multiple combos with astra wall, omen blind and double entry with raze was amazing to watch.
Sen TenZ: My king. His superior mechanical skills + him moving away from entry duelist + yoru's map presence enables TenZ to make some insane individual plays like the one where he takes the entire control of bath in bind on his own.
PRX forsaken:Ideally his experience of playing Yoru at the highest level for a long time should make him the best but other than his insane aim i don't see any impressive set combos or strats around him. After seeing Marteen play, I realized the true potential of Yoru.
T1 Izu: His Yoru on breeze is perfection I feel.
M8 TakaS: The set strat of this team on sunset around Yoru is insane like the one round where omen ults to clear a space and Yoru tps in. His superior aim also plays a huge part.
HM: KOI kamo(on icebox but keiko had a life game unluckily), NAVI Ardiss( Would be in top 5 if he didn't get hard diffed by Minoboo on breeze), C9 Oxy
P.S I watched a few pacific matches, no Americas matches and a lot of EMEA matches since the time of broadcast was ideal for me to watch. So if I missed some players do let me know.