Current state of B tier regions

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Any low tier region is unwatchable due to how blatantly they matchfix. Its at the point where games are just completely scripted out. Valorant as an esport gave a huge opportunity for poor countries to enter into the matchfixing scene due to Riot Games officially having these tournaments where a plat player could qualify in some regions. You think these countries give a fuck about winning? They just want money, all that shit is fake. Please start auditing, arresting, and banning these fixers.


Any low tier region is unwatchable due to how blatantly they matchfix. Its at the point where games are just completely scripted out. Valorant as an esport gave a huge opportunity for poor countries to enter into the matchfixing scene due to Riot Games officially having these tournaments where a plat player could qualify in some regions. You think these countries give a fuck about winning? They just want money, all that shit is fake. Please start auditing, arresting, and banning these fixers.


Any low tier region is unwatchable due to how blatantly they matchfix. Its at the point where games are just completely scripted out. Valorant as an esport gave a huge opportunity for poor countries to enter into the matchfixing scene due to Riot Games officially having these tournaments where a plat player could qualify in some regions. You think these countries give a fuck about winning? They just want money, all that shit is fake. Please start auditing, arresting, and banning these fixers.

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