all teams (1-1)?? based on map record? does G2 need to win 2-0?
if G2 win 2-0 they advance, otherwise SEN advances
if g2 2-0 it goes to round differential
came back to tell you youre wrong
If G2 2-0'd sen they wouldn't need to even consider round differential. They would've went 3/2 vs SEN 2/2 at map differential.
no because g2 goes 3-2 in maps and sen goes 2-2 in that scenario
sen win most likely
Sen doesn't even need to win, just one map
map diff and then round diff
not map diff, its maps won thats why g2 still has a chance
same thing no? if they 2-0 G2 go 3-2, SEN 2-2, MIBR 2-3
oh ur right mb
pretty sure is map diff no?