Yall are crazy.
Asuna only getting better, he gonna become f0rsaken 2.0 after lock in
Cryocells is going to be ok, i agree he def will have his moments but wont shine like he used to.
bang literally never once played an off game and when he did so were the rest of his team. bang individually is one of the goats and will remain a pro for a long time.
Boostio 🐐 nuff said
eeiu im stil kinda underwhelmed by but his midrounding seems hella valuable and could be really good guidance for the all the players that overheat on 100t.
100t last year played without a system, but this year they are back. No more bang go ace or derrek go clutch, now its 100t go win.
TLDR: 100 Thieves are getting 6th lock in, 4th masters 2, 1st lcq, 5th-6th in champs