- LEV - aspas is the goat of this game everyone knows it + he is friends with cUm now + kiNgg no reason to elaborate
- NRG - demon1 etc
- LOUD - im biased on this one obviously but i trust saadhak and Less + Goatzin year
- SEN - could be in the 1-3 spots but they always manage to fuck things up so who knows
- FUT - my turkiye friends + cNed + new alfajer
- FNC - probably still competitive but i dont think leo and alfa can keep carrying these guys with chronicle chokes and boaster uncreative IGLing
- VIT - Sayf and runneR are goated so i can see this team surprising everyone
- PRX - Jinggg imo was what made this team work but maybe they can make this work, all players are really good
- G2 - Trent
- FUR - biased again but i swear if ATLEAST ONE STUPID DUMBASS on this fucking team could help Mwzera i promise they could be good