UCAM Esports Club vs Ramboot Club
13-6 Famsii MVP
- l0udly disappeared and in Ramboot only neptuNo was great
- UCAM back to the level and i doon't understand wtf happened yesterday
- Ramboot was bad and totally different to the yesterday performance
- Famsii farming and rest of UCAM quite correct playing great
Zeta Gaming vs FIVE Media Clan
13-4 Daniel0 MVP
- Zeta is playing so bad, i don't understand with a good team they're playing like Liga Radiante teams
- Leare is so irregular, Roxie the only player who played well
- FIVE isn't a great team, but they're winning the matches they have to win and rn i see them in Play-Offs
- I don't understand how did Daniel0 get an MVP playing like that, i still say he's the worst duelist in the league.
- worst match of the day
KPI Gaming vs AYM Esports
13-2 purp0 MVP
- purp0 + B1SK the best of the best (purp0 mvp of the day)
- Michel out of the game (Daniel0 had a better day(idk how))
- KPI had their best match, very constant today making a very good face
- AYM lost but i guess it was predictable, they result will affect cause is 11 points in round difference but i think AYM is not doing bad
Case Esports vs Barca Esports
13-8 Wolfen MVP
- Yurii has a problem with pushing so much in post-plant, stills a great match tho
- Barca is better in Ascent but played a great match
- Kiles 2021 stills there and lowe had a great match, Wolfen incredible in defense
- Saiz farmed case totally but wasn't enough
- Best match of the day