Duelist: demon1/zekken/jawgemo/reduxx
Initiator: C0M/ethan/trent/verno
Controller: s0m/zander/marved/bang
Sentinel: leaf/johnqt/victor/dapr
Flex: zekken/leaf/victor/Ethan
edit : Initiator: + crashies
trent’s a flex, 1leaf is only a duelist on g2 now but is top player on any role, boostio is a top sentinel, crashies is a top initiator, if we’re going purely off stats jakeee was a top 3 controller main in americas last year, i dislike zellsis but just based off his comms and util he’s a top initiator as well but could be considered flex. Oxy doesn’t have enough T1 big stage matches but this year will probably prove him as a world class duelist.