I made an earlier post about how this gun was insane. Now that it's come out and I've had some playtime on my Iron 1 lobbies I'd say it's still really insane but at least it isn't TOO insane. I've been getting people buying outlaws round 3 and absolutely deleting me. I think it's a pretty insane gun in terms of how much damage it gives. Sometimes I think twice about buying light shields because I will just get one tapped as at least one person on the enemy team has an outlaw. I think it's insane, but I can still peek and kill them (sometimes) (almost never im ass) I played a game on breeze and needless to say I think the outlaw is just insane on the map. Round 3 on attack I had the enemy team 5-person outlaw and my team got shredded is this an iron 1 problem or do people who aren't bots like me think this gun isn't that insane as I do?