Flag: United States
Registered: June 2, 2023
Last post: May 15, 2024 at 12:26 AM
Posts: 58
1 2

As a user, if you woke up and suddenly were 10 years younger or something with your knowledge as of now, is there anything in that moment you would start to do more to improve your life or health or anything in any way?

Like, would you start to exercise more?

Would you play like CS or something to get good while younger and try your shot at going pro?

Would you work harder in school to have a more satisfying financial status?

Would you try to ask that one person out or try to make friends with someone?

posted 10 months ago

What are your regrets in life as a vlr,gg user?

posted 10 months ago

Make a GC Superteam :D

Please fix this team or make a way better one as I have not watched GC much :)

Duelist: florescent
Initiator: daiki (IGL)
Smokes: Vania
Sentinel: (insert sentinel)
Flex: (Insert flex)

posted about a year ago

I just woke up, so I don't know if this is old news but thoughts on this roster move. Zest is an absolute insane player and will bring a lot of impact to the team, but is he going to IGL? I think if they get the calling down and the team chemistry isn't bad, they could go far. What are your thoughts though? Will they get grouped? Will they qualify for the next Masters?

posted about a year ago

Honestly, I don't mind this whatsoever it'll be a good chance to see how Sentinels levels up to a superteam. If they lose it was apparent they'd lose to NA's superteam and its good experience for them. If they win, then they win Madrid. (I'm like halfly joking, beating NRG is a huge hurdle but they're newly formed and it doesn't mean it's certain they'll beat Fnatic, and even Loud unless EG pull off a miracle.)

posted about a year ago

I've seen Yoru in pretty much every map now except the obvious ones like Ascent and a few others. but for the most part I've Yoru has been played in Bind, Breeze, Icebox, Split, Sunset (may have missed some but that just means I didn't see) which is a pretty huge chunk of the map pool.

I mean Yoru is objectively a pretty good character, he has flashes, a clone to fake, and TPs where with one click and a slow delay you can go to the other side of the map, and his ult is literally a Sova drone but you can get a free pick if you so choose, he just seems like an extremely good character.

posted about a year ago

Ohh honestly makes sense Bleed seems like very a good team I hope they find success soon.

posted about a year ago

Honestly, I didn't think much of sScary, everyone was saying he could be contender for best controller in the world but he was stuck in T2 so I didn't think much of it. He's pretty fun to watch he seems like a perfect viper and his other controllers are really good and impactful.

Pretty bummed out Bleed got knocked out I wanted to see more of sScary and Deryeon :(

Also, what team flair should I use I am a fan of WAY too many teams to just pick one. I generally like all the teams how am I supposed to chooose?


posted about a year ago

nah kangkang better just mentioned he's someone I do think would be on a China superteam (like uh put him on a different role or something or idk might not go well though) alongside kangkang :D

posted about a year ago

Absolutely true. I just wanted to mention one to keep it simple :)

posted about a year ago

Europe and the Americas both have their own respective super teams in FNC and NRG.

However, what about China and Pacific?

Do you think PRX and EDG just have the best teams in all of their respective regions?
China still has stew and I feel like he would deserve to be on a Chinese superteam, and Pacific still have plenty of superteam worthy players.
What players would form a China and a Pacific superteam?

posted about a year ago

I woke up after an early nap, HOW THE FUCK IS PRX ONE MAP DOWN WHATS GOING ON?? Are GenG looking good or are PRX underpreforming someone plz explain (ill rewatch it later)

posted about a year ago

I forgot I made this comment sorry for taking such a long time to respond and I apologize for the downvotes (although I had no part in them), it was kind of a joke but they honestly had a secret boost on Ascent for absolutely no reason one day they lose badly 2-0 then they wake up and decide to beat DRX and prime FNATIC (arguably but I think that was their best performance) on Ascent out of nowhere :) Again, apologize for the downvotes and the late reply :)

posted about a year ago

Ascent 2023 BBL clears

posted about a year ago

Honestly fully agree, Icebox has the most memorable moments and is honestly always a treat to watch, I'm just very biased to pro-player polished util dumping :,D

posted about a year ago

In pro-play which map is the most entertaining for you?

My favorite to watch personally is probably bind :) The last minute plays/fast rotatations with the tps + The fairly wide map pool with fun agents (I.E: Chamber, Reyna, Gekko, Yoru, etc.) make it really fun to watch for me.

My personal bronze 2 takes on entertainment map pool ranking would probably be:

  1. Bind (Explained above)
  2. Fracture (The util-usage on this map is REALLY fun to watch especially how polished the plays are in pro-play
  3. Icebox (I know this is probably a bad/weird take, but I feel like there's a lot of cool plays possible in this map and also holds some memorable pro moments :)
  4. Breeze (Open map, lots of aim duels fun to watch pros fight imo :)
  5. Lotus (The map feels really strategic I like seeing the odin spam wild cards and it's honestly just a lot of util usage and wildness?)
  6. Split (I honestly don't know I just find it enjoyable but not as much as the other maps)
  7. Pearl (I like seeing util dumps the chaos is fun honestly feels somewhat stale for whatever reason but that's just me)
  8. Ascent (Honestly maybe it shouldn't be this low as I said I like watching polished gameplay as well as a lot of util usage but it feels like I'm watching CSGO where all the strats feel the same maybe this is just a downright awful take, but it just seems stale :D Although, I'll admit it's really nice to see the polished gameplay and it feels like a true test of which team is just better in general)
  9. Sunset (I haven't got much enjoyment out of this map tbh but it's still cool to watch just not for me for whatever reason
  10. Haven (I find it dull that's just me though)

What are your thoughts? Awful take? I'm just a bronze 2 no deep explanation behind my picks it's just what I personally find entertaining.

posted about a year ago

kidnap the csgo players

posted about a year ago

hello it's your average bronze 2 player I suddenly want to learn useful lineups in the game on whatever agent because I am bored and after homework and exercising, I got nothing to do and a lot of free time on my hands, but is there any lineup larrys here who know what guides/channels are good for lineups? I don't need to learn 128 lineups for every agent I just wanna play support agents better.

posted about a year ago

I think TenZ is a valuable asset to the team :D

posted about a year ago

Even Albion Online yapped less than me, damn.

posted about a year ago

ty I will be stealing this

posted about a year ago

Hello, this is Bing. I can help you summarize the text you sent me. Here is a possible summary:

The text is about the author’s theory on why Sentinels, a professional Valorant team, still keeps pANcada, a former world champion, on the bench. The author argues that pANcada is a backup for TenZ, who has a weak immune system and often misses matches due to illness. The author also suggests that TenZ switched to playing Omen, a smoke agent, to make it easier for pANcada to replace him if needed. The author acknowledges that pANcada deserves to play more, but understands that Sentinels needs a reliable substitute and that TenZ is a valuable asset for the team.

posted about a year ago

As much as I can agree pANcada should be let out this is my theory on why they still have him. I'm sure you all have already come to this conclusion but just in case someone hasn't here's my thoughts.

tldr: pancada went from champions mvp to tenz waterboy credit: h1gh_fall

SEN has a player who has a HISTORY of not being able to play (TenZ) due to his immune system. We've seen TenZ being absent from many matches and having to miss important(?) matches due to his condition and this has led to SEN having bad performances due to missing one of their starting players and replacing him with someone with significantly less practice and firepower (I don't mind if you don't agree with this, but I think TenZ definitely has some significant impact with how good he shoots. Before I continue, I do feel like SEN should release pANcada as his talents kept on the bench is tragic, at LEAST they should do the partnership thing that Fnatic did and at LEAST let him play in challeneger or something. pANcada is there as insurance, if TenZ's health is compromised you have a world-class replacement at your disposal.

Another theory which is most definitely a stretch by me cause the team probably just found that TenZ was somewhat more comfortable on Omen and Zellsis was good with Breach util but this can also be why TenZ who expressed his wishes of being a second-entry or a flash/support player suddenly switched to playing a lot of Omen where if his health got compromised it would be easier for pANcada to be a substitute with Zellsis permanently playing Breach as it fits more if TenZ who once again has a history of missing matches due to his immune system gets sick. Of course, he still plays Kay/O and Zellsis still plays more smokes agents than TenZ but it's just easier to replace TenZ Omen with pANcada Omen rather than keeping TenZ on Breach THEN replacing him for a Zellsis Breach with no practice with the team.

Justice for pANcada all the way but it just seems hard to let go of a great world-class replacement when one of your players has a history. "Why not just drop TenZ?" This is a simple one that everyone knows, money doesn't grow on trees TenZ brings a LOT of viewers and supporters to SEN even if not all of his viewers support SEN in some way there's at least a few viewers who would support their favorite player or whatever.

posted about a year ago

hello, I'm your below average peak bronze 2 player, I just hit the nastiest shots of my life, but I have no recording software and now I'm sad cause I will never get to show my non-existent friends, if you record your gameplay what programs do you use? I am new to pc, so I apologize for asking a seemingly "dumb" question.

I appreciate all the responses, unfortunately I do not have a Nvidia GPU which seems to be by far the most recommended, but I'll look into OBS :) thank you :D

posted about a year ago

Duelist: something
Initiator: Cloud
Sentinel: vo0kashu (nAts or suygetsu can also fit idm)
Smokes: Demon1 (or redgar if Demon1 doesn't count and you need an IGL)
Flex: Shao

either get redgar or make one of them IGL

posted about a year ago

MxS LOOK SO GOOD RIGHT NOW. Oxygen are still different ngl BUT I am wholeheartedly rooting for MxS to win this tournament and ascension but OXG are still really really really good.

posted about a year ago

I think that's why it's posted as off topic and not any other categories!

posted about a year ago

Thank you :) I was getting steamrolled in my iron lobbies since I don't use my util smartly at all and I was just wondering if it was the same for people who are actually decent at the game or if it was treated like an op (which you did say) where you just push the outlaw player off angles/you flash or smoke the angle off. Unfortunately, I don't use my util well so I will continue to get steamrolled 🥰

posted about a year ago

I made an earlier post about how this gun was insane. Now that it's come out and I've had some playtime on my Iron 1 lobbies I'd say it's still really insane but at least it isn't TOO insane. I've been getting people buying outlaws round 3 and absolutely deleting me. I think it's a pretty insane gun in terms of how much damage it gives. Sometimes I think twice about buying light shields because I will just get one tapped as at least one person on the enemy team has an outlaw. I think it's insane, but I can still peek and kill them (sometimes) (almost never im ass) I played a game on breeze and needless to say I think the outlaw is just insane on the map. Round 3 on attack I had the enemy team 5-person outlaw and my team got shredded is this an iron 1 problem or do people who aren't bots like me think this gun isn't that insane as I do?

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Sad there's no SEN but this is a nice tourney to see how these underdog-ish teams are doing.

MxS: Looking pretty good in scrims however just like SEN scrims don't mean EVERYTHING. I feel like they're in a spot where if they're all in form and they strategy is good they COULD win but I feel like the other teams have higher potential as of now. (Note: I will personally be rooting for MxS flyuh and BRAWK are my goats)

OXG: This team is looking prime to win Americas Ascension this year. They've been putting up good performances and the team is showing their firepower and potential. Not much else to say Verno is insane everyone in the team is really good.

100T: Obviously I have NO idea how long these guys have been able to practice even if Boostio was stuck in contract jail there is a chance that 100T had him locked in and have been practicing with him but ASSUMING that they haven't had much practice in I actually don't expect much for this team. In my opinion though it could be a situation where if the team chemistry is just good and all the players are shooting straight, they could easily come up with a top 1 or 2 win.

C9: I think this team is probably the most expected to win this tourney they went 2-3 to Fnatic and have been getting in good practice with higher level teams (No offense to any of these teams) which is really good for experience. Oxy looks great however, maybe a bit inconsistent (unsure about this though maybe I'm just blind and Oxy is a god) and everyone on C9 is pretty solid.

I think the results I expect based on everything that I've seen currently is 1st C9, 2nd OXG, 3rd 100T, 4th MxS (My take on who is going to win)

The results I'm personally rooting for however is, C9 vs MxS finals. 3rd 100T, 4th OXG. (My take based on my personal preferences and biases I know bad and probably not going to happen but that's just what I personally want to see

(C9 or OXG winning it all probably but 100T has the firepower and talent to snatch up 1st)

posted about a year ago

I agree, obviously content creators are just having fun with the testing, but they literally peek and die immediately, or someone peeks them and the other person dies how are you supposed to counter this gun?? Although I guess the two bullets means you can just util dump/satchel into them or something idk the gun is actually crazy.

posted about a year ago

This gun is insane wtf. I've been watching the content creator videos the gun is absolutely insane next thing you know the meta will be 5 outlaws on defense. (Joking obv but this gun is actually crazy no??)

posted about a year ago

Hope your mind can rest easy now :D

posted about a year ago

I don't know the original vid but if you just want to see the scene again it's in this video and the link should go directly to the scene.

posted about a year ago

Thank you, this was really insightful, and I will definitely be getting into more of Chinese Valorant in this upcoming year :) I appreciate it !

posted about a year ago

I know we're all trying to decide whether FNC, LEV, or NRG (or wtvr team you're rooting for) will be the best team of 2024, but can we all agree that this is probably going to be the best season in terms of entertainment? Whether you agree with me or disagree this year looks like a ton of fun, and I just hope the matches will be good :)

My personal irrelevant opinions on why this year will be good: (if I don't list or I miss a team it's not that I'm not looking forward to them I either forgot or couldn't think of a good reason and I apologize :)


SEN - stopped being awful (for safety reasons TenZ and Sentinels fans this was a joke)

G2 - Guard squad in T1 woo! + Leaf (hopefully their showing vs Sentinels was just early days) (they'll be good after they get practice in.... right?)

LEV - aspas + kiNgg also C0M(?)

LOUD - Good team hope qck can achieve good results and fit well with the team

NRG - NA's superteam only thing that can possibly stop them is bad chemistry probably

FUR - mwzera

OXG - They looking like the winners of this years challengers ngl

M80 - Nitr0 and BCJ joins last year's second place challengers team another good team that could contend for challengers.

MxS - BRAWK the goat and flyuh should be in T1


FNC - The team with the most trophies currently, can they get achieve similar results to last year with multi0ple trophies and can they win Champs this year or will they fail?

FUT - Turkish aim, cNed also yetujey looking like another really promising Turkish player.

KC - My personal favorite team coming out of EU hope they do well :) I think all the players are looking solid and just hope they get a good year

TL - hope the Apeks core can do well this year also Jamppi and nAts are great players

NAVI - suygetsu and shao are among some of my favorite players :)

I forgot about the rest mb

Pacific -

DRX - :( hope whatever roster they get does well

PRX - always fun to watch this team don't need to explain

T1 - xccurate the csgo pacific goat + looking like a solid team

BLEED - will yay get his revenge or will he get exposed + the rest of the team looking nice

TS - Philippines

who else is in Pacific again

China -

not sure ngl haven't watched lots of Chinese Valorant :) hope RA stew does well.

posted about a year ago


(Jinggg is going to save PRX I wish all the best for SEN still rooting for them)

posted about a year ago

Zellsis goated right now ngl. I love pANcada but Zellsis impact not just in-game but importantly in mental in general seems extremely good.

posted about a year ago

I agree, I think including it to your routine can have a positive effect on your aim. 15 minutes is a great amount to take on aim training as well :) Thanks for your input and have an amazing day/night :)

posted about a year ago

That's great to hear, if you can see the improvement, it just goes to show it will take time, but the aim improvement will definitely come and hope that the better aim has been satisfying for you. :), hope you can reach radiant someday my friend :) Hope you have a great day/night :)

posted about a year ago

I love waffles :) I enjoy putting chocolate syrup on them as well.

posted about a year ago

Are you okay? Sometimes life might get rough, I promise everything will get better soon :) However, just waiting won't do anything if you get a good opportunity to enjoy your life in any way, shape, or form you should try it :) It might not seem like much but finding enjoyment in your life can go a long way :) Have an amazing day or night wherever you may be reading this from!

posted about a year ago

I agree that I am definitely yapping but in terms of Zywoo he's been playing since he was 7 years old, Aim Training is NOT necessary to become good I just wanted to make a point that it can definitely help in terms of improvement but just playing the game you're playing is better in terms of time consumption rather than tapping circle for upwards of an hour or more each day.

posted about a year ago

TL:DR Aim Training can make you a god in the long run, but just play the game it'll be better for your time and most likely it will be way more fun than clicking circles.

my thoughts are below:

IMO Aim Training is like going to the gym, you aren't going to see insane improvement if you just do it for a month and if you do it less intensely. For example, Demon1 did his Aim Labs Aim Training 30 mins for each scenario I would count this as high intensity for whoever knows how long but it worked. He even has a few top 10 scores in his playlist scenarios. If he did that playlist for a long time, and it paid off for him it obviously worked.

However, as much as I believe grinding aim training can work in the long run, if you're solely trying to grind Valorant as your single fps game it's probably better to just grind val, obviously you can be as cracked with aim as you can be as long as you grind for it but you still need to learn how to use utility well and gain the most impact out of the utility in-game and also learn how to play well/around your teammates and obviously mastering your movement and the way you peek and clear angles as well as crosshair placement are equally as important as aim so playing the game and working on all these factors equally over time is more worth it.

If you're tryharding this game for whatever reason (you are not going pro but good luck) you should work on an aim training playlist (That geniunely helps don't use gridshot and static dots scenarios only, go look up a playlist from actual credible professional aimers who understand how to fully utilize aim training and to focus on every aspect of aiming) every day and be consistent with it as well as play a lot to gain experience.

posted about a year ago

suprazex clears (in movement) (in ranked) (they've never played pro) (im iron 1)

(idk what im talking about I saw this guy on yt shorts and decided to say he's better than ray4c)

posted about a year ago


(They run normal comps for 1-2 tourneys, get called frauds despite getting two top 3 finishes (due to language barrier), then they play 5 sentinel comps + overcome language barrier and create the most insufferable meta of trying to enter any site against 5 sentinels. They win 3-5 trophies after ruining competitive VALORANT and lose to some random zoomer team from China in the most insane game ever.)

posted about a year ago

I don't know if I am biased but this guy's clutch gene is insane, no? I watched the last challengers and witnessed a lot of his clutches, and now I'm watching him now and he seems insane in clutch situations. Tell me if I'm dumb for this take but I swear any clutch situation if brawk's alive it's always possible.

posted about a year ago
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