DRX is a running on-fire train with people trying to bring coal to a broken furnace. There is no comprehensive way you can say that DRX 2024 is better than any of their other seasons. There is no way they drop Rb and Zest. I can understand Zest, Zest is usually underperforming as his role in all seasons he has played for DRX, but why Rb? Rb has been one of their best players for quite awhile, while being one of the best flex players in the game. There is no way that Termi would replace Rb and Zest, with Foxy9 and Flashback. No hate to the newbies, but I don't trust Termi. Switching up the roster has always caused the team to start crumbling. From the start of the 2023 season, the constant switching of Foxy9 with players caused DRX to underperform. How now with 2 new players, how will we know if they will perform?
I think they should just swap Termi out.