Idk much about GC so give me some money info
mel and c9w are all that u need to care abt.
i would say katsumi honestly for #3
She has been fraggin lately as well... def top 3
I would agree but Jazzy is really on another level ^^’
honestly Katsumi has been doing pretty decent. but still ehh. But top tier streams lmfao. I don't watch any streams anyways though so I don't really have much point of reference.
some mix between THE ORIGINALS (future G2) and C9W
Keiti, meL and aNNja
Keiti bstrdd aNNja MeL juliano
Good list actually
meL pretty good, otherwise, i know nothing from gc
sr diana, sr diana, and i think sr diana is pretty good as well
OXG NESS MİMİ Juliano for Emea
meL kat jazzy
i only watch val, but i'd say meL. igling + really good player, and her comms are so clean
meL daiki bstrdd benita Juliano
meL because she's hot. And the rest of c9w
NA : Mel, Keiti, Jazzyk1ns SEA : Enerii, Ayumiii, Ayaaa
I havent watch any EMEA match yet, sorry