why are they pushing so deep into ct spawn after planting the spike???
their hyper duelist Li Zhi is off, what can they do without their carry?
do they normally play like this? havent watched them much bcuz watching for the first time, that looks so weird
bro their duelist is cracked, thats all i can say
Just look at their aim this team in not the same as before.
lol their gameplan is good but they are not winning fights they are favoured to win
they are too nervous playing on international stage, not saying their mentality is bad, they just need some time to adapt.
i mean true, this is their first international lan.. lets see if they bounce back on 2nd map or atleast be more competitive
playing with sub and not be able to give their best must hurt so much to each player, hoping for our fellow asian representative
I think SR prepped really well for them, so they are trying to audible into strats they haven't practiced and its not working
hmm yea that could be it bcuz the strats they pulled out were good but not polished to perfection
It happens no one expecting them to win their entire team lan experience is about half of Mel's lol. Even with lizhi it would be hard without her it's pretty impossible.
they dont have igl and star duelist, it's like if SR lost mel and flor.