I think they are like 4-7 rank, I can't really think of that many teams better than them. my personal ranking is,
but 1-3 are interchangeable for me along with 4-7. Heroic's performance at EPL was impressive, but we'll see if that was a one off thing. The top teams are also looking very weak this year, and there is no clear #1 or even an obvious top 3. TL has the potential to go up with the addition of FalleN and I think Astralis will fall out of the top 3 as more teams start to go with a similar methodical approach with smart util usage. Vitality is very hit or miss for me. ZywOo needs some burden off his shoulders, as from what I've seen, their whole performance is based on how well ZywOo does. They are trying to give ZywOo the freedom to be the next S1mple or even surpass him, but they aren't giving him the support like NaVi does. S1mple CAN carry and often does, but he doesn't need to. But the rest of the team understands if S1mple is popping off, get out of his way and let him frag out.
Ik I said TSM and T1 are good homes for him... SEN could also pick him up considering TenZ is only there until the end of the challengers final.... Tarik would be safer cuz he would be permanent.... obviously Tenz has better mechanics.... Tarik still brings his game sense from CS and his mechanics are decent