I switched from high elo CS to Valorant a month ago and as a former awper im surprisingly maining jett, im one win away from diamond 3 now and i get match mvp most of the times, but i really struggle against people who have strong util usage that deny me any form of duels that allow me to bully them aim wise, I just got familiar with the basic util of every character but i still dont know how to study util outside of the game, for example there were youtube videos in cs how the meta works and how to play in and against it. If i look for how to get better in valorant a lot of stuff is basic like crosshairplacement and dont tilt and stuff thats useful for low elo players, but how do I actually get better at the game outside of raw mechanics because im scared that once i hit immortal and i play people with similar mechanics + good game knowledge im gonna plateau and lose motivation, anyone has any suggestions or some other people who switched from higher elo cs to valorant who had some similar issues and how to fix them, thanks in advance