- 🐐
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- 🤖🇮🇳
- 😈
- 🕵️♂️ 007 🇪🇺
2nd bonus rounds:
- 😱🇧🇪
- 🍊🐼
3rd bonus rounds:
- 0️⃣z
- 🍛🇮🇳
4th bonus rounds :
- 🧠🤓
- 🍃
Who is Bonkar? For the blind, He is the vision. For the hungry, He is the chef. For the thirsty, He is the water. If Bonkar thinks, I agree. If Bonkar speaks, I’m listening. If Bonkar has one fan, it is me. If Bonkar has no fans, I don’t exist.
(He was the IGL for the old fully Swedish Guild roster with Leo, Sayf, Yacine, and Draken, now he's the head coach of Oxygen)