Which restaurants/fast food make the best milk shake in the USA (especially East Coast)? I'm new here and a big fan of this drink, give me flavor/store tips
Five guys is insanely good
It’s gas ngl
Today I had a Strawberry Milkshake with Malted Milk by Five Guys and it tasted like Red Velvet Cake, lmao, I thought it was interesting
ye if u want one from like fast food Five guys is prolly the best. There are like diners and restaurants that make really good ones but not fast food.
Thank you my friend!! =)
Try Steak ‘n Shake if that’s available near you.
Thank you!
in yo mouth
I mean I don't really eat out that much. But shake shack is always pretty good(if ur in east coast u should be able to find one that's not too far).
In-n-out shakes are pretty good also chick-fil-a shakes also pretty pog
in n out isnt on the east coast