Anytime i turn on some pro player's stream they're always crying about how bad ranked is. Buddy, you're a pro player, you play 10 hours per day, obviously casual players will be worse than that.
Thanks for speaking this up. I hate pro players ego. I saw a clip of Zander yesterday on Breeze when Sova was in a clutch and died. Zander asked "Are you an AI?"
Like bro you yourself know how big the difference between radiant and pro play is, drop the fucking ego and stop being a dickhead. This is not directed towards Zander, its directed towards every pro player with this shit streamer ego
I do agree with this, especially coming from VCT players. They played bad sometimes, and then blaming it on some random players that make a slight mistakes. Then they got into an arguments, bringing that player's team that is probably Tier 2 or T3 by their in-game names, e.g. AAA John.
They're saying, oh wow. Which dogshit team is AAA? Why I haven't meet them in VCT XXX (Region) yet? or similar response that is clearly looking down on the team.
Thanks for speaking this up. I hate pro players ego. I saw a clip of FNS yesterday on Breeze when Sova was in a clutch and died. FNS asked "Are you an AI?"
Like bro you yourself know how big the difference between radiant and pro play is, drop the fucking ego and stop being a dickhead. This is not directed towards FNS, its directed towards every pro player with this shit streamer ego
Thanks for speaking this up. I hate pro players ego. I saw a clip of Boaster yesterday on Breeze when Sova was in a clutch and died. Boaster asked "Are you an AI?"
Like bro you yourself know how big the difference between radiant and pro play is, drop the fucking ego and stop being a dickhead. This is not directed towards Boaster, its directed towards every pro player with this shit streamer ego
Thanks for speaking this up. I hate pro players ego. I saw a clip of Zellsis yesterday on Breeze when Sova was in a clutch and died. Zellsis asked "Are you an AI?"
Like bro you yourself know how big the difference between radiant and pro play is, drop the fucking ego and stop being a dickhead. This is not directed towards Zellsis, its directed towards every pro player with this shit streamer ego